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Innovations Diet Handbook

Learn the ways to keep the weight off for good!
Diet Handbook for Weight Loss in Virginia Beach

At Innovations Health and Wellness, our diet handbook makes it easy to get started on your journey to a better you. This great tool not only gives insight on what you’ve been doing wrong but how to start doing it right. It dispels all the diet myths with actual facts and includes an 11-day meal plan that is made up of food picks that you choose.

It begins with two columns of food choices from which you pick 7 to 15 from each. This gives a total mix of 30 food items, which generates four meals per day to eat in any order. The best part is, the foods you pick can be purchased at your everyday grocery store.

Here’s the difference… if you find a diet from a book or the internet and you see something you don’t like, you’ll most likely substitute something that’s really just a “quick fix” and it’s usually not as healthy a choice as what was on the original diet, not to mention your substitute might not be conducive to your weight loss goal. Since the food picks are your choice, you’re more apt to stay on a plan that is customized for you.

While learning new habits for a healthful and beneficial lifestyle, we ease the challenge by supplying you with the best tools you need to change your life, and by teaching healthy alternatives to your old way of life, opening up a blossoming and more beautiful new you!

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